Any answer we seek for our lives can be found in nature. Working with essences is one way we can stay connected to our natural knowing and harmonious living.


Lilac, Woodstock, NY, USA
Coast Live Oak, Valley Center, CA, USA

My formal work with plants began when I learned to collect flower essences in 2018 and felt an instant recognition and resonance with the modality. The attunement and connection I experience through essence work has evolved into the healing transmissions I share on substack, allowing the energy and medicine of the plant’s essence to be with you without having to take the essence.


Angel Oak, Charleston, SC, USA
Lizzie, Sawkill, Woodstock, NY, USA
A drop of flower essences

The Essences I collect and share can be used for personal healing, growth, transformation, or simply for inspiration and contemplation.

Essences deliver a specific set of frequencies to your being. When you take an essence, the frequencies of your bodies will naturally try to match the frequencies of the essence. This happens in your physical, emotional, energetic, and etheric bodies. All aspects of you are available for shifting.

As your being shifts to meet or match the frequencies of the essence, the subconscious blocks that prevent that entrainment will become known to you. This can sometimes be an uncomfortable process, but it’s liberating and effective. When you can see it, you can work with it, and that is how the healing happens. The subconscious becomes conscious and we can move forward with clarity. Essences reveal to heal.

Essences are usually taken orally, a few drops under the tongue, or in water. You can even put them in bath water or your diffuser. Any way you take water in, you can take essences in. They are preserved with a locally made applejack liquor, so they do contain a small amount of alcohol.

All essences are available in half-ounce bottles at dosage level for immediate and personal use or stock level for practitioners. Bulk rates available when you order 12 or more bottles. Please use the connect form to ask questions or request essences.

Sessions & Readings

Lizzie giving reiki
angel oak, charleston, sc, usa

What happens in a reading?

In a reading, you provide a question or topic you’d like insight on, and show up with genuine curiosity and an openness to receive insight. The cards respond to the frequencies of your question, and the most appropriate match for that question will show up through the cards. As I interpret the cards, I’m drawing on the information and the energies present. Sometimes I’ll be right on, and sometimes there will be one or two things I say that open up the truth for you. The most important result is that you get what you need, and sometimes what you really need is to come upon the exact answer yourself, and I just provide the clues.

In an Audio Reading ($33) you’ll send your question by email and receive an email response within 3 days (often same-day if I can) with an audio recording of your reading. In a Live Video Reading ($70) we’ll schedule 20 minutes on a video chat in which I can help you to form your question, read the cards, and support you with the integration of the information.

You’ll get the most out of your reading if you come with a question or topic you’d like insight and guidance on. Even just a seed of an idea works, as long as it is genuine. Your participation in this way is required for the energies of the cards to respond to you. If you’re not sure what you want to ask about, then please choose to have a reading via video chat so we have time for me to help you find your question.

I’m currently using the deck of Essence Wisdom Oracle cards I’m developing based on the plant essences I’ve collected over the last six years and their teachings. Their medicine comes through clearly and with strength. They always have some good guidance and insight for us.

What happens in a session?

In a full session (90 minutes | $300) we open up to receive and proceed with the best next step for you on your journey. My job is to listen to you and the energies that are present and then to allow and facilitate the healing that will be most accepted and effective for you that day. Sometimes it’s a lot of talking, processing, and allowing of your emotions. Sometimes it’s reiki and meditation and visualization. Sometimes it’s teaching you about your energy field and how to work with it yourself. Sometimes it’s activations and initiations of teachings that you’re ready to receive and integrate. Usually it’s some combination of those possibilities. Anything that’s in my toolbox is available to you during a session, and we’ll know what is most appropriate for you when the moment arrives.

In my experience, when we focus too much on a desired result, it can be a frustrated and prolonged journey to get there. When we allow the desired result to guide us on a journey of discovery, honoring and respecting the natural cycles and progressions of our nature, learning as we go, we allow for a more easeful process, more sustainable results, and a more integrated experience. You’ll always get to the place you need to be. I will not try to force you there on a particular timeline, no matter how much you might wish it. My role is to stay aligned to the truth of what’s present and what’s needed, even if that sends you down a different path than you hoped for. My approach is to honor your full being and the bigger picture of your life. I invite you to do the same.

I have found that by stating what will happen, we limit what can happen. By accepting that anything is possible, we allow the best thing to arrive. I am a firm believer that when we hold sacred space, we do best to surrender to it and the medicine available, rather than to try to manipulate the outcome. My job is to keep listening inside that space to help us find the best way forward. I welcome you to come on the journey!

All full sessions can include a custom flower essence blend if appropriate, at no extra charge.